Leonardo da Vinci "The Inventor"


Open every day.

Monday to Friday: 10:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

Saturdays and Sundays: 10:30-20:00 hrs


Enjoy Leonardo Da Vinci'sability to imagine countless possibilities for the elements he designed: transmission systems of movementspeed changesbearings… Leonardo marked the beginnings of technology as we understand it today.



The exhibitionLeonardo da Vinci: the inventor presents a set of machines representative of his very varied topics of study. The machines are based on the designs collected in the two volumes of the Madrid Codex, preserved in the National Library, and in the Atlá Codex. ntico preserved in the Ambrosiana Library in Milan. From the drawings, architects, carpenters and craftsmen have recreated machines that beautifully illustrate Leonardo's way of conceiving technology.


Each of the machines is contextualized with data from Leonardo's life, his interests and his progress in other fields of research such as painting, anatomy and study of nature.

A visionary?

Leonardo da Vinci has become the best prototype of what we understand was the Renaissance. Universal genius, unmatched artist, thinker and scientific. Leonardo is, along with the rest of the architects and engineers of the Renaissance, heir to the great advances and technology of the Middle Ages, Rome and Greece, but, on the contrary Unlike his predecessors, who limited themselves to considering machines as global objects, Leonardo dedicated himself to to the study of his “anatomy”. His main contribution was to consider each machine as a set of mechanisms


Short description

Long description

""All our knowledge has its origin in our perception""

This magnificent exhibition dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci; The inventor presents a set of machines representative of his varied topics of study and interests.  The extraordinary machine designs that Leonardo da Vinci captured in his notebooks materialize in this exhibition.

Leonardo's capacity for observation, his curious and practical spirit, his continuous experimentation, his originality... are traits that make up an exciting personality, that of a man who knew how to anticipate his time.    


Not Included

Entrance to the Exhibition where you can see remains of the ancient Roman baths.


Important information