Toledo, City of Three Cultures



Start time: 11:00





  • Walk where Jews, Christians and Muslims walked centuries ago
  • Learn the history of this wonderful city, a World Heritage Site since 1986
  • Admire the facades of some of the city's main buildings

90 minutes



The tour will give We start at Plaza Zocodover, the nerve center of the historic center, from where we can admire the north façade of the Alcázar, designed by Alonso de Covarrubias in the 16th century. We will walk through the Alcaná, an old commercial area where they say Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote of La Mancha, walked.

In the Town Hall Square we will be surprised by the the Cathedral with its high tower of 92 meters, where the Campana Gorda rests, the largest in Spain. Known as the Dives Toledana, it is the richest cathedral in the country, thanks to the unparalleled artistic and historical heritage that it houses inside, which we recommend you visit.

In this square there are other important buildings: the Palacio Arzobispal, residence of the Archbishop of Toledo; and the City Hall, designed in the 16th century by Juan de Herrera, a famous architect who collaborated with the city. in the design of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, and whose surname gives its name to an architectural style: Herrerian style.

On this visit we will also discover the Jewish Quarter, where the guide will delve into the in the history of this town that left an important influence on the city, its architecture and its history. here A large number of monuments are concentrated, such as: the Church of Santo Tomé, which preserves the most important painting by El Greco; the synagogues of Santa María la Blanca and del Tránsito, and the Monastery of San Juan de Los Reyes.

Short description

Any service not specified in the previous section

Long description

With this guided tour you will walk through through the streets where Jews, Muslims and Christians once lived, who lived together for centuries in this city, declared Historical Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in the year 1986. Your guide will explain You will learn the extensive history of Toledo and the successive cultures that have occupied it since Roman times, and will show you the facades of some of the most emblematic monuments, such as the Primate Cathedral, the Alcázar or the City Hall. This tour will help you to want to learn more about its incredible heritage.


  • Maximum 2 children per adult, always accompanied by an adult.
  • It is an essential requirement to be at least 15 minutes before the departure point of the visit so that the route begins on time.
  • You must Show up at the meeting point with your printed ticket or, failing that, on your mobile phone.
  • CANCELLATIONS: free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the activity. If you arrive late or do not show up, no cancellation will be offered. no refund.
  • For date changes, a minimum of 24 hours before the reservation date.
  • If you have any questions or queries, please write to us by emailatencionalcliente@

Not Included

  • Expert guide throughout the tour (the tour may be bilingual)

Important information