Old San Juan de Dios Hospital


From Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


Church of Our Lady of the Incarnation



Currently known as the “Hospitalillo”, it was built by order of the Catholic Monarchs, which is why it held the title of “Royal Hospital of Mercy”. Its hospital care function in Marbella had a single representation until the creation of the Bazán Hospital.

In the 19th century and early 20th century, It is also a house for foundlings. You can see the existence of a pomegranate, a symbol that is identified with the Kingdom of Granada and that appears on the coat of arms of this city.

 Inside the Chapel we see a coffered ceiling that remained until the middle of this century. hidden. It has a single nave covered by a wooden framework of three panels, reinforced by double braces whose stars are not decorated geometrically, but with Eucharistic symbols such as the Chalice. These elements reflect an erosion of the Mudejar tradition and, therefore, could have been added after the construction of the Hospital.

Today called the “Hospitalillo”it remains closed to the public waiting for its imminent restoration. You can visit, however, its chapel where, according to what they say, a sung mass was given on May 1st for the souls of the Catholic Monarchs as patrons that they had been from the hospital.



Short description

Saturday and Sunday.

Long description

Among the provisions adopted by theCatholic Monarchs when occupying Marbella in 1485, there was the foundation of a hospital for poor strangers. It was called "of Mercy" and later "of San Juan de Dios", for being brothers or monks of this Order who in 1687, by Real Céacute ;dule of Charles III, they took charge of it.


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