Santa Clara la Real


Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. / 16:00 hrs At 6:30 p.m.




The current convent of Santa Clara owes its origin to a Benedictine community settled outside the city walls since the13th century, although it was already in the XIV when it began the foundation of this place under the rule of San Francisco. Santa Clara, la Real, was its name after hosting the infantas, daughters of Enrique II of Trastámara in the 14th century. Thanks to this, he received good dowries given by the king, and donations from nobles who favored its expansion.

The interior of the Convent is articulated in two cloisters: that of the Laureles and that of the Naranjos, with remains of great artistic value and beautiful plasterwork. The 15th century church stands out, whose presbytery was renovated with a baroque design where artists such as Jorge Manuel Theotocopoulus and the painters Luis Tristán and Diego de Aguilar worked. Another of the spaces that can be visited is the “sala de profundis”, an anteroom to the refectory and which is named after the psalm that was read before entering the dining room. The “profundis room” it is Richly decorated with geometric and vegetal elements, several lobed arches and remains of tile work and decorated boards recovered from old rooms of the convent that have now disappeared.

Short description

Every day except Saturday

Long description

The convent of Santa Clara la Real is located in the heart of the sheds neighborhood or the neighborhood conventual due to the large number of religious orders that settled in this area. The convent is surrounded by the Commendadoras of Santiago, Santo Domingo el Real, and very close to the ancient Capuchine Mothers.


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