Tapestry Museum



Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. / 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Access will close 30mins before scheduled time



The work on the College began in 1550. The relationship between the Cathedral Chapter and the Infantes College was very close, therefore, it is likely that the architect of the building was Alonso de Covarrubias  who also worked as senior teacher of the Cathedral. It was Francisco de Villalpando who took He took the reins of the project and concluded it around 1559.  On the main façade of the building you can see the coat of arms of the founding Cardinal  and a representation of the Virgin with the Child.

Since 2014, the space has opened its doors as the Tapestry Museum with a collection that exhibits tapestries made between the 16th century and 16th century. and to the 18th century, some of them classified as the best in Spain.  All the tapestries belong to the Cathedral, which has a large collection, although there are 24 tapestries on display. These are half of those used during Corpus Christi to beautify the cathedral facades. The tapestries are divided according to the theme represented: themes from the Old Testament, mythology, arts, Eucharists, Toledo archbishops or virtues.  One of the most beautiful and admired is the Astrolabe Tapestry, which represents the signs of the Zodiac and reflects the medieval conception of the universe.  The exhibition shows textiles from the Cathedral,  liturgical garments that belonged to the Cardinals Mendoza,  Cisneros, and Quiroga, and exhibits the old Holy Week Monument, designed in 1806 to be displayed in the Primate Cathedral and which has been hidden since 1956.

Short description

January 1 and December 25. In addition to when a celebration requires it

Long description

The Tapestry Museum is located in an old building from the 16th century, which was rebuilt to be used as a Our Lady of Los Infante School. This College was founded by Cardinal Siliceo in 1552 to welcome children who complied with the statutes of purity of blood and who were going to be educated in different varieties of singing. Only six children were chosen to be part of the cathedral choir, which is why they were commonly called choirs. like the “sixes”.


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