Jesuit Church



Open Monday to Sunday 

From October 1 to March 31: 10:00 hrs - 17:45 hrs 

From April 1 to September 31: 10:00 hrs - 18:45 hrs  

The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before opening hours. closing.


December 24 and 31 open until 1:00 p.m.

  • The space destined for the exaltation and worship of relics.
  • The fresco of the Main Chapel
  • The great dome
  • Climb the Towers. 


The Jesuits had arrived in Toledo around 1558, opening a school that grew in number of students. In 1569 they decided to buy the place where the chapel consecrated to San Ildefonso was located to establish themselves, but with the purchase of the things the resources ended up being insufficient. Thanks to the donation of two brothers linked to the crown, Estefanía and Pedro Manrique, the works could be carried out, under the condition that the entire church maintained its devotion to the Saint and that both the donors and their family could be buried there.

The works began around 1629, following the traces of other Spanish Jesuit churches. The designs were executed by Juan Bautista Monegro but the control of the works was carried out by Pedro Sánchez, a Jesuit brother with great gifts for architecture. Construction began along the foot of the temple to the head where the house of San Ildefonso was still preserved, which would be the last to be demolished. The Church was opened for worship in 1718, although it was not completed until 1765, just two years before the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain. From then on, the church went from strength to strength. to be used as the parish of San Juan.  During the period of confiscation, several buildings from the school and the professed house of the Company of Jesus were expropriated by the State.  Thanks to the figure of Cardinal Sancha, in 1903 the Jesuit fathers returned to settle here. until its complete departure in 2011.

The church has a large nave with a cross plan illuminated thanks to the large window on the façade.  Highlights include the beautiful dome decorated with the coat of arms of the founding family and the frescoed altarpiece with the representation of Saint Ildefonso and his meeting with the Virgin Mary. You can also visit the reliquary that houses numerous relics in goldsmith's pieces.

Short description

On January 1 and December 25.

Long description

The Jesuit Church is located in one of the highest places in the city of Toledo. Its tower offers one of the best views of the city in front of the cathedral and over the Tagus River.  The church of San Ildefonso or of the Jesuits was built using part of the site where the house and birthplace of San Ildefonso, the Patron Saint of Toledo, had been. San Ildefonso was a Toledo archbishop of the 7th century, known for the appearance before him of the Virgin Mary.  The house of San Ildefonso is  converted in a small place of worship where the Saint can be remembered. 


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