Christ of the Light Mosque



Open Monday to Sunday 

From March 1 to October 15:

From October 16 to February 28: 10:00 hrs -17:45 hrs 

 The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before closing time.

December 24 and 31 open until 1:00 p.m.


  • Plant
  • Columns
  • Vault
  • Romanesque paintings
LANGUAGE Spanish, English, French


Thanks to the discovery in 1871 of a founding inscription made of brick, it is known that the construction dates back to the Caliphal era, specifically the year 999 The building has a quadrangular plan with 4 pillars that form nine naves inside. Beautiful Visigoth capitals support the horseshoe arches that separate the naves, decorated in a sober manner with simple materials, such as plaster, wood and brick.

The Christian conquest involves the conversion of the mosque or prayer room into a church. In the 12th century, a semicircular head was added that reflects the cultural mix existing in Toledo at that time. Under this Christian apse, structures excavated in the rock, possibly from the Early Christian Roman period, have recently been discovered. The interior of the apse was beautifully decorated with Romanesque wall paintings in which you can see Jesus Christ in majesty surrounded by the symbols of the four evangelists. From the 12th century the building went through to belong to the order of the Knights of San Juan with the name of the hermitage of the Holy Cross. The origin of the name could well be related to two popular Toledo legends in which a Cross located in this mosque is the protagonist.

In 2006 the Toledo Consortium carried out He carried out a restoration of the monument and allowed The excavation of the surroundings of the mosque was carried out, discovering remains of an old road and a sewer from Roman times.

Short description

On January 1 and December 25

Long description

The mosque of Cristo de la luz is one of thejewels of Islamic art that remain in Spain. The structure belongs to a small oratory or school very close to the wall and the gate ofBab-al-Mardum, hence. that in some documents it is cited as the mosque of Valmardón.


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