Alcantara Bridge


Around Alcántara Bridge:

  • Roberto Polo Collection
  • Door Hinge


The Roman bridge was essential for communication between Toletum and Corduba, as well as like the pass from Emerita Augusta to Cesaraugusta. This bridge was rebuilt by the Muslims after their arrival in the Iberian Peninsula in the 8th century, which is why it is known as """" “Alcántara” (Al-qantarah) which means bridge or arch.

The Alcantara bridge was part of the defensive enclosure that protected the city of Toledo, along with the Castle of San Servando built on the nearby elevated promontory that served as a surveillance point. During the 10th century, certain revolts by Toledo residents led Emir Muhammad to blow up the bridge. Previously I had had three eyes, but from this moment on it was no longer possible. only with two. According to an inscription, the bridge was rebuilt in the 10th century, and instead of an eye for the passage of water, a hole was opened. a small passage door with a horseshoe arch that functioned as a water spillway and served as communication between one side of the bridge and the other.

The tower located next to it, dating from the 12th and 13th century, would form a small parade ground together with the Puerta de Alcántara. During the 15th and 16th centuries, changes continue to be made in this construction, which is why the symbols and shield of the Catholic Monarchs appear. The baroque-style exterior arch was built in 1721, replacing the old Arab tower that was in ruins.

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Long description

Since 1921, the Alcántara bridge has been in operation. declared National Monument for its historical value and its unique beauty on the waters of the Tajo River. The Alcantara bridge has its origins in the Roman period. It was built around the 3rd century and must have been constitute one of the main accesses to the Roman city of Toletum. It was located very close to the aqueduct that supplied water from the Alcantarilla dam and of which only the abutments remain visible today.


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