Las Ramblas



Started in 1766 when it was laid out a walk along the medieval wall that ran through this part of Barcelona since the 13th century. Barcelona, ​​a city of narrow streets, La Rambla was the recreational space where people could meet. Along its route it is known by different names: the closest section to the Plaza de Catalunya isLa Rambla de Canaletas, where the famous Canaletas Fountain is located, a meeting point for the followers of the Barcelona Football Club when they celebrate their victories, and it is said that whoever drinks its water will return. to Barcelona. La Rambla de los Estudios named after that. because he was here Located in the old building of the General Study or University and currently called the Rambla de los Pájaros, because here It is where these animals are sold the most.La Rambla de las Flores the only place in the 19th century where you could buy flowers, currently that market is still maintained but accompanied by kiosks of books, magazines, newspapers; in addition to street artists, in costumes, who remain still like statues. On this Rambla there is also the Boquería Market, which offers all types of food products and has become an important tourist spot. We continue withLa Rambla de los Capuchinos: known as the Rambla del Centro, one of the most emblematic for centuries and where the Teatro Liceo, El Café de la Opera, one of the oldest cafes in the city, inaugurated in 1929, and the Güell Palace, one of Gaudí's monuments.La Rambla de Santa Mónica : It is the last stretch of the Ramblas, it functions as the port's lobby and is where the Principal Theater is located. It is a very lively area full of bars and restaurants.

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Long description

It is one of the main streets of Barcelona, ​​which runs from La Plaza de Catalunya to the Mirador de Colón in front of the city's old port. With almost 1200 meters it is one of the essential places to visit where leisure and culture have their place. Full of life and color where a pedestrian passage in the center allows you to walk between kiosks, flower stalls and various shops and on the sides you will find the Gran Teatro del Liceo, the Palau de la Virreina and the Boquerí Market. ;a.


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