The Giralda


Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 18:30.

Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Box office closing at 6:00 p.m.



La Giralda has the classic structure of the Almohad minarets and will continue to be built. used for centuries in most Mudejar bell towers. It is composed of a central prism with a square base, surrounded by the four external walls. Between both structures are the climbing ramps, which in the case of the Giralda and due to its large size, allowed access on horseback. The effort to ascend through the interior of the tower to the bells gives the opportunity to observe, from a short distance, the work of its windows, where you can admire the arches and capitals of Caliphal descent.

The exterior decoration is based on mullioned windows or biphore openings, either with semicircular or multi-lobed horseshoe arches, surrounded by alfiz and housed by another large pointed lobed arch. In the side streets there are blind mural arches and sebka cloths spread out that from afar resemble a network of rhombuses.

The last body of the Almohad tower was replaced in the 16th century by Hernán Ruiz, it is a Renaissance finish 104 meters high,  above the that rotates a 4-meter-high bronze female statue that represents «faith; victorious» called the «giraldillo» which gives its name to the tower.

Short description

January 1; Holy Friday; Corpus Christi Day and December 25.

Long description

The Almohad Empire established the capital of Al-Andalus in Seville and built a great mosque, larger than the one in Córdoba, with 17 naves and five domes in front of the mihrab. This mosque was destroyed to build the Gothic-style Christian cathedral, respecting only two Muslim elements: the aforementioned Giralda, converted into a Christian bell tower, and the Patio de los Naranjos.


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