Maria Luisa Park


Every day from 08:00 hrs to 22:00 hrs



In June 1909, the idea of ​​holding a Spanish-American Exposition in Seville was launched for the first time. The City Council offers the María Luisa park and adjacent land of its property as a possible location for it. In April 1910, after an exhaustive study of the area, it was decided that the land offered by the City Council would be where the Exhibition would be located. They include the María Luisa Park and the Gardens of Delicias.

For the proper adaptation of the park, the architect Aníbal González, who opened the park, was chosen as director of general planning and construction works. ; and closed the park with two monumental squares, the Plaza de España and the Plaza de América, in which it is housed, Currently, the Pavilion of the Arts where we find the Museum of Arts and the Mudéjar Pavilion. with the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs of Seville. And for the gardening works, they chose a renowned specialist Jean-Claude Nicolás Forestier, a French engineer who was conservator of the parks and gardens of Paris and who added The park brings magical corners, lakes with ducks, pond bridges and beautiful avenues decorated with monuments and historical buildings.

We will highlight the park and a must-see is the Glorieta de Becquer, which represents, through three women, love that passes, love possessed and love lost, La Isleta of birds, the Fountain of the frogs and Mount Gurugú from where you have the best views of the park.

The dimensions of the park are such that they can do the route by horse-drawn carriage, making the ride even more beautiful. 

Short description

Long description

It has 34 hectares and is the most famous garden in the city. Its origin dates back to 1849 when the Dukes Antonio of Orleans  and  Maria Luisa de Borbón, dukes of Montpensier, acquired the palace of San Telmo with its lands and gardens. The design of the gardens was commissioned to Lecolant  what followed a style in line with the French and English style. When the duke died, the widow donated He destroyed practically all the city's gardens in 1893, so they remained in a wild state until their renovation with the Exhibition of 1929.


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