


Monday to Saturday from 10:30 to 17:30.




Other nearby points of interest are the Miguelete , the Almoina Archaeological Center and the Archaeological Crypt of the San Vicente Prison





This religious temple consists of one floor with a Latin cross, three large naves, transept, ambulatory with Gothic chapels that were covered with stucco in the 18th century and in which the Resurrection chapel stands out - built by order of Pope Borja - and others. four chapels on each side. The naves are covered with ribbed vaults that rest on pillars with attached columns.

The High Altar, the most important part of the temple , has a vault that was decorated by the artists Paolo de San Leocadio and Francesco Pagano in the year 1474 and that remained hidden under a baroque vault until 2004 and a closet-like altarpiece composed of twelve paintings by the famous artists Fernando de los Llanos and Fernando Yáñez de Almedina. The spectacular dome of this cathedral is formed by an octagonal body with large windows with Gothic tracery. From the interior we also highlight the chapel of the Holy Chalice - originally this space was free - which was left behind. It was joined to the rest of the building at the end of the 15th century with a remodeling by the architect Pere Compte. In this square space covered by a star vault we find the alabaster altarpiece that was located in the back choir of the cathedral that houses the Chalice that tradition has identified with the Holy Grail and that was brought by Alfonso the Magnanimous in the year 1437

On the exterior of the temple we must pay attention to themain door located at the foot of the temple next to the Micalet. This baroque structure was designed by the architect Konrad Rudolf and is a wonderful work made from three facades curves that create a sensation of depth with images of Saint Thomas of Villanueva and Pedro Pascual in the first area, the Assumption of the Virgin in the second and Saint Luis Bertrán and Saint Vicente Ferrer in the upper one. The other two side façades known as the Palau and the Apostles are in the Romanesque and Gothic styles, respectively.


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The Cathedral of Valencia was built on The site of the Main Mosque of the Balansiya medina was built by order of King James I the Conqueror in the year 1262 and designed by the master builder Arnau Vidal in Romanesque style, being continued later in the Gothic style. Today it houses a large number of works of art, being the most important religious temple in the city along with its bell tower called the Micalet, the icon of Valencia.



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