The Miguelete


April to October, Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. :00 to 19:30 and on weekends from 10:00 to 19:30. From November to March, Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:30, Saturdays from 10:00 to 19:00 and Sundays from 10:00 to 13:00 and 17:30 to 19:00.



Other nearby points of interest are the Church of Santa Catalina, the Cathedral and the Basilica of Our Lady of the Forsaken.




This octagonal prism-shaped tower houses the eleven bells called the Caterina, the Jaume, the Ursula, the Pau, the Arcis, the Micalet, the Maria, the Vicent, the Andreu, the Manuel and the Barbera that continue to operate manually - there are only an autonomous one, the Bárbara - so the bell ringers continue to go up daily to ring them. The bell that gives its name to the bell tower was built in the year 1539 and is considered the largest in the ancient Kingdom of Aragon, weighing more than 7 and a half tons.


This tower has suffered different events such as when in the In the year 1459, some pranksters took the master stonemason's donkey to the highest part of the building or when it served as a stone mason's donkey. As asylum to people who came to the temple fleeing from justice. In addition, this structure has a mechanism that was devised in the 14th century and consists of a special stone attached to the outside of one of the walls that had to be hit in urgent cases so that the sound was heard. transported to the top of the tower and thus All residents will be notified.


Short description


Long description

With the name ""Miguelete"" or ""Micalet ""It is known as the bell tower of the Cathedral of Valencia that was built between the years 1381 and 1424 - with the exception of the sword that was added in the 18th century - by the architect Andrés Juliá in the prevailing Gothic style of his time. This iconic structure is about sixty meters high, two hundred and seven steps and eleven bells, one of which is called Micalet, hence the name Micalet. your name. Nowadays you can access the monument from inside the Cathedral and it is one of the essential views that allows you to contemplate beautiful views of the city.




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