Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum


July to August from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from September to June from Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.



Other nearby points of interest are the Casa de las Cabezas, the Mosque- Cathedral and the Diocesan Museum.




Until the opening of the Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Córdoba in The current headquarters of the Páez de Castillejo Palace in 1959, its funds have passed through other historic buildings in the city throughout the 19th century such as the old Convent of San Pablo in 1844, by the Hospital de la Caridad in the year 1862 where he shared space with the Museum of Fine Arts and the Casa Mudéjar in 1925.

Nowadays, your most of 3000 piecesare distributed among its eight rooms, three patios and the main gallery, leaving those that are not exhibited between the walls of the old Córdoba Silo and current warehouse. n of the museum. The collections are made up of various archaeological branches such as numismatics, ceramics, mosaics, tombstones - those corresponding to Roman gladiators being the most significant after the collection. of Rome -, highlighting as the most interesting collections those of the Hispano-Muslim archaeological remains found in the palatine city ofMedina Azaharawhich are exhibited on the upper floor -complementing the Interpretation Center n of the Site- and those of the Roman Theater of Colonia Patricia Corduba.


Short description


Long description

The Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Córdoba occupies the former < strong>Renaissance Palace of Páez de Castillejobuilt in the 16th century and a new building erected in 2011 to make up for spatial deficiencies and have modern facilities for the various departments as well as as well as other cafeteria, store or library services for the enjoyment of the public who visit it. This exhibition space shows the remains found in the province of Córdoba from the prehistoric era to the disappearance of Al-Andalus through a thematic exhibition discourse called ""Córdoba, meeting of cultures"" in which different aspects of different civilizations are brought into relationship, breaking with the traditional museography of a chronological tour.< /p>




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