Posada del Potro



Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.




Close to other nearby points of interest such as the Julio Romero de Torres Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts and the House of Heads.





This beautiful architectural complex from Cordoba has It has been mentioned in famous works by such relevant writers as Miguel de Cervantes, Francisco de Quevedo or Pío Baroja. Upon entering the building, you will notice its typical Andalusian patio dominated by a well, its smooth whitewashed facades full of pots with colorful flowers and its old wooden roofs. As we have seen, these Andalusian structures have not gone unnoticed over the centuries and even today we are overwhelmed by this place where it seems no time has passed.

In its two floors distributed around a large In the central patio are its four rooms dedicated to the history and origins of flamenco, its instruments, the keys to interpreting it or its most important figures. It has spaces that exhibit traditional costumes, Spanish guitars and other musical instruments and numerous portraits of relevant artists such as Paco de Lucía, Antonio de Mairena or Díaz Fosforito, all within an innovative museographic discourse of an interactive nature. In addition to disseminating and researching cante jondo, the center is a living space that has an extensive cultural program aimed at promoting young promises of flamenco and host various activities related to the world of music in its rooms.


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Lseventies of the last century, Manuel Salcedo Hierro, Deputy Mayor of Culture, rescued This historic home will be brought from oblivion to become an Interpretation Center dedicated to the figure of the flamenco singer from Puente Genil, Antonio Fernández Díaz Fosforito. Today it is managed by the city council that transformed it. at the Fosforito Flamenco Center in 2013 and since then it has positioned itself as one of the most popular places in the city.


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