Calahorra Tower



Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m.: 30 to 8:30 p.m. and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.





Other nearby attractions include the Roman Bridge, the Puente Gate and the Mosque-Cathedral.





This small fortress has had different uses throughout history in addition to its military function; during the 18th century it was used As a prison for captured foreign soldiers and as a hospital for the sick affected by a tabardillo epidemic, in the 19th century it was transformed into a prison. in a school for girls in the nearby neighborhood of Campo de la Verdad and in 1931, to ensure good use and conservation of the property in the future, it was declared strong>Historical-Artistic Ensemble. The Torre de Calahorra since 1987 is the headquarters of the Living Museum of Al-Andalus managed by the Paradigma Foundation Córdoba and whose objective is to show a unique building and an exhibition that aims to convey to the public the enormous importance of the coexistence of the three religions in the city during the Middle Ages. strong>

After the restoration carried out in the tower in 2007, the exhibition has been divided into eight rooms that deal with themes alluding to the cultural wealth that flourished in the city. in the Umayyad Court between the 9th and 11th centuries and how it affected the all the inhabitants of the city regardless of the religion they professed. This theme is divided into the following sections during the tour: Welcome, The philosophers, Sciences and techniques, The Palace, Andalusian music, The aljama mosque, Other places of interest and Multivision.


Short description

Monday to Thursday.

Long description


With the name of Qala'at al-hurriy This defensive tower was known to have been built under the rule of the Umayyads and its mission was to protect the Roman Bridge of Qurtuba against possible enemy incursions. Probably at first it was made up of two towers joined by an arch to which later a tower was added. a third body was built in the time of King Henry IIand which functioned as a link between the previous ones. The tower has embrasures to house cannons, defensive battlements on the upper level, fourteen rooms distributed around three floors and a large moat bordering the complex.



Not Included


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