Palaces and Manor Houses




Some notable palatial buildings are the Palacio de la Merced -former convent of Merced Calzada which today is the headquarters of the Provincial Council of Córdoba-, the Palacio de los Aguayo -a 16th century house that today houses the Colegio de la Sagrada Family-, the Casa del Bailío - a Renaissance mansion that is currently divided between the Al-Andalus Living Library and the Palacio del Bailío hotel -, the Palace of los Venegas - the façade made in 1589 is still preserved -, the Orive Palace or Palacio de los Villalones - built by the famous architect Hernán Ruiz II in the 16th century, today it is the headquarters of the Culture Delegation of the Córdoba City Council.

The Palace of the Muñices -neoclassical palace that functions as a public school-, thePalace of the Marquises del Carpio -property donated by the family for the celebration of cultural events-,the Palace of the Marquises of Benamejí -Current headquarters of the School of Arts and Crafts-, The Fernández de Mesa Palace-built in the 17th century and renovated in the 20th to house the Higher School of Dramatic Art and Dance -, the Palace of the Vizconde de Miranda - a building that preserves its 18th century façade, the Palace of Rodrigo Méndez de Sotomayor -today it houses the Superior Conservatory of Music-.


La Casa Mudéjar - medieval manor house that houses the famous institution ;n of Casa Árabe-, La Casa del Indiano - preserves its façade built in the 15th century -, the Casa de las Campanas - highlights its Mudejar patio carved in the 15th century where today various cultural activities are carried out -, La Casa de los Luna -one of the best Plateresque examples in the city-, La Casa Carbonell -a beautiful 19th century palace that houses the offices of the municipal company VIMCORSA and has rooms dedicated to temporary exhibitions- and the Casa de la Concha - a manor house that today houses the headquarters of the Teresian Institution.


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The most common thing when we delve into the tourist resources of Có; rdoba, is to decide to visit its numerous religious monumental complexes such as the imposing Mosque, now converted into a Cathedral, the various medieval churches and convents that, in a greater or lesser degree of conservation, have reached us and the different museums of all types of themes that this city has. Less known are other cultural typologies present in the city such as the gardens, mills or palaces that were built in the historic center and that also deserve to be known for their high artistic value . Today, thanks to the initiatives of some public institutions and some private organizations that have rehabilitated and given various uses to the properties, we still preserve approximately a hundred historic palaces and manor houses.



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