Baths of the Caliphal Alcázar


From September 16 to June 14: 

Tuesday to Friday: 08:15 hrs - 20:00 hrs
Saturdays: 9:30 hrs - 18:00 hrs
Sundays and Holidays: 8:15 hrs - 14:45 hrs

From June 15 to September 15: 

Tuesday to Sunday and holidays: 08:15 hrs - 14:45 hrs




  • The different Mudejar style rooms
  • The original ceramic pipes

Other nearby points of interest are the Royal Alcázar, the Royal Cavalry and the Church of San Basilio.




For the Arabs, the hammam or bath not only consisted of a hygiene and personal care routine but also formed an authentic body purification ritual. that all Muslims followed because that's how they It was specified in the Quran. Normally, this time was also used for other leisure activities such as massages, going to the hairdresser, and entertaining family and friends. Ancient documentary sources place more than six hundred baths in the time of greatest splendor of theCórdoba Califal, to give us an idea of the importance of these infrastructures.

These baths were built under the mandate of Caliph Alhakén II at the end of the 10th century as a set of rooms with water at different temperatures and covered by vaults with star skylights supported by semicircular arches on capitals and columns of more ;rmol. After the disappearance of the Caliphate and the arrival of the Almoravids and Almohads, the bathrooms were reused by them and decorated with motifs typical of these cultures from the North Africa that we can see in the plasterwork from these baths that today houses the Archaeological Museum of Córdoba.

Short description


Long description

The old Royal Alcazar of the Umayyads had some wonderful baths intended for the rest and enjoyment of the caliph, strong> that were brought to light in 1903 after a chance discovery in the current area of ​​the Campo de los Santos Mártires but the truth is that, until the sixties of the last century, they were not brought to light. carried out systematic excavations that would highlight this important archaeological site. Arabs in al-Andalus and has a modern museum project with a room of audiovisuals and models that explain the different uses and different construction stages that the hydraulic complex has gone through. throughout history.


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