Roman Temple


Exterior view.


     Other nearby points of interest are the Archaeological Museum, the Julio Romero de Torres Museum and the Antonio Gala Foundation.




This religious construction dates from thesecond half of the 1st centuryAD, we know exactly that it was built between the mandates of the emperors Claudius and Domitian, and although it was modified notably in the following century it managed to last until the 4th century. The materials used for its construction were the traditional opus caementicium , ashlars of calcarenite stone and marble for the columns and capitals. The temple was dedicated to the Roman emperors deified, a common practice in all Roman forums, although this one in particular had the peculiarity of containing water brought directly by the aqueduct that reached the plaza and by having a Vitruvian support never seen in Hispania, which consisted of having a series of front buttresses supported by the wall of the temple that supported the weight of the entire complex. .

Nowadays we can find remains of the Roman temple in other places in the city in addition to this location, such as in the Museum Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum of Córdobaand in the Plaza de las Doblas. On the other hand, it is currently A project has been launched to build an Interpretation Center of Roman Córdoba in the vicinity of the forum square to value the monument and get a little closer to Roman Córduba.

Short description


Long description

The Roman temple of Córdoba is located at the confluence of Claudio Marcelo Street and Capitulares Street, next to the Town Hall, a place that hosted the the Provincial Forum of the patrician colony during the Roman Empire, showing us this How the location of the seat of power in the city has not been moved in the last two thousand years. The remains of the building were discovered as a result of expansion work on the Town Hall carried out in the year 1951 that brought to light a rectangular temple of about 32 by 16 meters and 9 meters high, hexastyle and of Corinthian order, which was accessed by a stairway and led to the altar central.

In the years80s and 90s it was discovered part of the wall and the Roman circusin the vicinity of the temple, giving us a fairly complete vision of how it must have been. be the whole set in Roman times; We know that this representation square was closed on three sides and that on the fourth it opened to the great circus. In the year 2013, it opened. to the public through a glass fence and was provided with night lighting so you can see it at any time of the day.


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