San Miguel's Church


Monday to Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.



Other nearby places of interest are the Capuchinas Convent, the Church of the Compania and the Plaza de las Tendillas.




Tradition says that this temple occupied The site of an old Muslim mosque was taken and a mosque was erected. following the model of the Fernandina churches composed of three naves with pointed arches supported by cruciform pillars, vaulted roofs and topped by three polygonal apses. Inside, the altarpiece made by the sculptor Juan Navajas stands out, presiding over the Main Chapel made of marble in the 18th century and which houses the images of Saint Gabriel, Saint Joseph, Saint Michael and Saint Raphael accompanied by the central figure of the Crucified Christ and the Baptismal Chapel covered with a beautiful Mudejar dome that has a polychrome wood carving representing the Virgin of Bethlehem , work from the mid-18th century attributed to Alonso Gómez de Sandoval.

On the exterior they are arranged < strong>two side doors
in the arms of the cross where one was erected with a pointed arch with archivolts and the other, of greater interest since it accentuates its Muslim past, for having a pointed horseshoe arch framed with alfiz, following the tradition of alternating two-color voussoirs that we find in Córdoba monuments from the Caliphate period. The austere main doorway is made up of a large flared pointed arch with smooth columns and capitals that are framed by an alfiz and topped by a beautiful rose window. /strong> Finally, the bell tower built in the 18th century on the old minaret of the mosque, has a square floor plan with semicircular openings on the second height flanked by pairs of pilasters and crowned by a four-sloped roof.


Short description


Long description

This church dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel was built in the century XIIIand formed part of the so-called Fernandine Churches built by King Ferdinand III after the conquest of the city of Córdoba in the year 1236. Located in the historic center of the city in the square that bears its name, it is a Gothic building with baroque additions made in the year 1749. The temple was declared Asset of Cultural Interest in 1931 and currently continues to practice religious worship.




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