Heritage Interpretation Center


Tuesday to Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.



Other nearby places of interest are the Puerta de Purchena, the Cisterns of Jairán and the Shelters of the Spanish Civil War.




The building that houses the CIP has three floors and the reception area where a model is shown with the main buildings of the current city and a audiovisual room where a short film about the history of Almería is projected. On the first floor, themes from Muslim Almería are discussed and a model of the Alcazaba is exhibited. In the second, the events that occurred from the Christian conquest to the 19th century are exposed, highlighting important spaces such as the English Cable, the shelters of the Civil War or the Indaliano Movement. On the third and last floor, images of the city today are displayed.

In addition to this complete permanent exhibition, the Heritage Interpretation Center has a wonderful terrace from which you can contemplate the most outstanding monuments of the city such as the Alcazaba or the Walls of Jairán, a space for celebration ;n of music and dance shows and a room dedicated to temporary exhibitions where exhibitions of all kinds are held: from pop art, current photography , contemporary painters, Playmobil dolls, the Sephardic legacy or related to the flamenco world.


Short description


Long description

The Almería Heritage Interpretation Center, known as CIP, located in the old Police House was inaugurated in 2014 after ;s to carry out important conditioning work on the building for its exhibition use with the aim of making known the history of Almería through three thematic tours: Muslim Almería; Almeria Cristina and Contemporary Almería.

The innovative museum program is based on an interactive itinerary in which the visitor, accompanied by the characters, monuments and main events of each historical stage, immerses itself in the changes and evolution of the city over the centuries. Additionally, for greater understanding, a ""Time Line"" is shown that relates the events that occurred in Almería with those that occurred on the same dates in Spain and the rest of the world.< /span>




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