Almeria Museum


Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.



Other nearby places of interest are the Espacio 2 Art Museum.




Currently the museum has otherfunds that have increased the original collectionsthanks to the notable donation of Juan Cuadrado and other individuals, numerous deposits made by different institutions and by the < strong>remains found in the various archaeological excavationsthat have not stopped occurring in the province of Almería and that span from the Paleolithic to the present day. The permanent exhibition is located on the first and second floors of the building and is located in the building. dedicated to the first settlers, especially to the famous Millares and El Argar Societies, where they show us work tools, utensils of daily life, decorative objects, weapons of war as well as all materials related to the rituals of the funerary world.


This exhibition is immersed in a modern museographic discourse that aims to reach the visitor through reconstructions, projections and opposing discourses that make us put ourselves in the shoes of these first inhabitants and understand their way of life. The third floor is dedicated to temporary exhibitions and collections from the Roman and Andalusian periods. which the Museum has where we can find mosaics, sculptures, coins, ceramics, metallurgical objects, funerary tombstones... highlighting among all of them the innovative montage that immerses the viewer in the life of a Roman villa and the inscription commemorating the founding of the city by Caliph Abd al-Rahman III.


Short description


Long description

The origin of the institution is found in the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Almería, created in 1933 with funds from the Commission n Provincial Monuments Department and the important donation made by the archaeologist Luis Siret, a figure of great interest in Modern Spanish Archaeology. These collections passed through different buildings such as the School of Arts and Crafts, the Celia Viñas Institute or the Colegio de Santa María del Mar, until the inauguration of its current headquarters in 2006. In 1979 the management of the museum passed It was placed in the hands of the Ministry of Culture and in the year 1994 it was changed. definitively its namebecoming officially known as the Museum of Almería. The modern building that houses the archaeological remains found in the city has been awarded on several occasions, obtaining the ARCO and Academic Design Award in the year ;o 2004, being a finalist in 2005 in the FAD awards and obtaining in the year 2008 the honorable mention of the European Museum of the Year award awarded by the European Museum Forum.




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