Church of Saint John the Evangelist


Masses at 7:00 p.m. in winter and 8:00 p.m. in summer.



Other nearby places of interest are the Hermitage of San Antón and the Nicolás Salmerón Park.< /p>




The Muslim temple, Aljama Mosque, was built in the popular neighborhood of Almedina around the year 965, after completing the Mosque of Córdoba with which it is related. The floor plan of the building was rectangular with seven naves with capacity for 9000 people, it consisted of a porticoed prayer room where a decorated mihrab was located. > with blind horseshoe arches and the qibla wall from the Almohad period covered by a dome of lobed arches, and probably at this same time, the temple was equipped with a maqsura, an enclosure around the mihrab where the sovereign listens to the prayer. From its naves built with rich Macael marbles hung bells looted from Christian churches and two large colored glass lamps brought from Mecca. Outside, the minaret, the patio with lemon trees and a fountain for ablutions.

The current temple was established It was created as a mixture of Arab and Christian styles in the 17th century by order of Bishop Fray Juan Portocarrero and was in operation until the confiscations of the year 1837 in which it was used ; as a military barracks. A few years later, in 1878, the building was returned to it. worship as a chapel thanks to the construction of Bishop Orberá's Seminary for the Poor. and in addition, it was restored and opened to the public in 1927 with the image of Saint Therese and the Child presiding over the altar. In 1934 it was declared National Historical Artistic Monument and two years later, on the occasion of the Civil War, the church was very It was damaged during the fires and bombings of 1938, leaving it practically destroyed. After many efforts, it was achieved. aproper restoration in the year 1991 thanks to the Junta de Andalucía.


Short description


Long description

The church of San Juan Evangelista was built at the end of the 17th century on the site of what was first the city's Main Mosque and which later, after the Christian conquest, became It was built in the first Cathedral of the Incarnation in the year 1492 and unfortunately, it was destroyed during the earthquake that devastated the city. Almería in the year 1522.




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