Santa Ana Castle


Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. :00 to 20:00, Sundays and holidays from 10:00 to 13:00.



Other nearby places of interest are the Fishing Port, the Lighthouse and the Beach of Romanilla.




This castle in 1985 was declared Asset of Interest s Culturaland after this appointment, between 1997 and 2003, the carried out a long rehabilitation process following the original plans so that it could be used as a cultural headquarters where music concerts, painting, photography and exhibitions could be held. sculpture, conferences, congresses and awards ceremonies, among other activities. Today, it is considered part of the ""cultural triangle"" of Roquetas along with the Theater and the Lighthouse. In addition, climbing one of its towers to contemplate the views of the coast is one of the town's biggest tourist attractions.

This space is divided into three spaces; the patio, the first floor and the second floor. In thepatio we can find an Interpretation Center of the monument, rooms where temporary exhibitions and conferences are held, a cloister dedicated to strong>official events and music concerts, an audiovisual projection room and a Visitor Service Center. The first floor is used to display the permanent exhibitions that are dedicated to the Indalian artist Jesús de Perceval, to other famous authors who have donated their works to the institution, to a collection of 82 etchings by Francisco de Goya and Lucientes, in addition to having a room where educational workshops are held for schools and the entrance to the Artillery Bastion. On the top floor there is an exhibition dedicated to naval models called ""Proa al Modelismo Naval"" ""and the walk along the battlements of the fortress from which wonderful views of the city can be seen.


Short description


Long description

On the site where the Santa Ana Castle stands, a defensive tower at the beginning of the 14th centuryby order of the Muslim monarch Yusuf I. Between the 16th and 17th centuries, a tower was built. The current fortress was built with the aim of protecting the population from the attacks of Berber pirates who intended to steal the valuable salt industries and capture people to sell them as slaves. With the decline of the Austrian Empire and the lack of funds from the Crown for its rehabilitation after the numerous earthquakes suffered in this area, the building began construction. to fall from grace. At the end of the 17th century it was the Castro family that was in charge of to repair the property in exchange for the granting of a noble title - they raised the bastion and rehabilitated the towers, homes and wall - and in the 18th century their descendants continued with the improvements. The end of the fortress's existence occurred in the year 1804 when a huge earthquake destroyed it. practically completely.




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