Punta Entinas Sabinar


Open 24 hours.


Other nearby places of interest are Playa Serena and the Playa Golf Club Serena.




This reserve has an average annual temperature of about 18º C and aprecipitation around 200 and 250 liters per square meter, which makes this area a privileged place for the proliferation of numerous different types of flora and fauna . Among the many plant species that this natural area offers us, the soft junipers stand out, the vegetation that gives its name to the park. Other species are the mastic, the scorpion, the shrimp, the common reed, the thorny reeds, the sea buffalo, the jujubes, the sea lavender, the sea daisy, the sea caterpillar, the flycatchers, the reed , the wolf jopo and the tobacco tree, among others.


Also the seabed is rich in flora and fauna,< /strong> including the westernmost Posidonia oceanica meadows of the Mediterranean. On the other hand, the ponds present in the nature reserve act as a refuge for birds that migrate from northern Africa to Europe and offer us species such as seagulls, flamingos, coots, mallards, the redfish, the white-headed duck, the European pochard, the stork, the sandpiper, the avocet, the cattle egret, the crab-eating egret, the egret, the gray heron or the common blackbird, in addition ;s from other insects such as the ant goniomma compressisquama, mollusks such as the snail helicella stiparum or reptiles such as the bastard and horseshoe snake or the ocellated lizard.


Short description


Long description

The Punta Entinas-Sabinar Natural Reserve has an approximate area of ​​785 hectares made up of one of the most spectacular sets of dunes in our country, a wonderful virgin beach and ponds or ""charcones"" that create diverse biotypes within a sub-arid Mediterranean ecosystem. It has not been easy for this natural area to have reached our days since even The first protection measures granted in the 80s of the last century were exploited by the Salinera Union and by urban expansion. Currently and since 1989, it has been declared as aNatural Site and Natural Reserve and Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA).




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