Shooting House


Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Other nearby places of interest are the Cathedral and the Royal Chapel.



The House of Shots was built forming part of the wall for the enjoyment of a nobleman named Gil Vázquez de Rengifo who participated in the in the Taking of the City of Granada in the year 1492 under the orders of the Catholic Monarchs. On its exterior the figures of theheroes of Classical Antiquity Hercules, Theseus, Mercury, Jason and Hector stand out in a benevolent attitude. ;lica, giving a Renaissance iconographic program to the whole. On the other hand, on the cover there is an inscription next to a sword in which we can still read "the heart rules." Of its interiors we highlight the plinth with paintings of mythological beings, a Muslim-style patio with a fountain located in the center, the main staircase with royal portraits of the Austrian dynasty, a beautiful garden with fruit trees, busts and ponds and the main room called "the Golden Square" with paintings on the ceiling like a chess board that represent historical figures who were important for the unity of Spain.

This important building loaded with historyit happened It came to the Stateat the beginning of the 20th century and in 1929 it opened. to the public as a museum and exhibition center. Currently, after a series of renovations, it houses a permanent collection in which we can find different themes related to city life such as landscape, orientalism, travelers, industrial arts, customs, transit, the Elizabethan period, Granada women, journalism and popular festivals.

Short description


Long description

This property built in the16th century was declared A Site of Cultural Interest and Historical Heritage. The building takes its name from the artillery pieces that protrude from its battlement cover and today it is the headquarters of the Museum of Popular Arts and Customs. In this Museum of the History of the City we can find rich collections of drawings, engravings, lithography, photographs, plans, newspapers, silkscreens, local crafts and period furniture, as well as a large library and specialized archive on issues related to the city of Granada.



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