Archeological Museum


Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. and Sundays and holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. 00 to 15:00.



On the outside of the building stands out its facade composed of three levels where the Torre de Comares, coat of arms is represented. granted by the Catholic Monarchs to their secretary Hernando de Zafra for his intervention in the Capitulations of Granada and for being the place where they were signed. King Boabdil. In addition, we can see a frieze with monsters and human figures, a cartouche where we can see the year in which its construction was completed and the inscription "waiting for it "from heaven", whose meaning, according to legends, is that said motto proclaims hope in the eternal life of whoever lives temporarily in this house. Inside, the museum's permanent collection is arranged chronologically, where we can see objects and tools from the Paleolithic period, information ;n corresponding to theNeolithic and the Age of Metals, artifacts from the Iberian and Phoenician world, and archaeological pieces of great interest from the cultures Roman and Arab such as bronze lamps, weapons, vases, cinerary urns, small bronzes for everyday use, sarcophagi and ceramics.

Short description


Long description

The Archaeological Museum of Granada was founded in 1879 and is located in the historic Casa de Castril , a palace granted by the Catholic Monarchs to their Secretary Hernando de Zafra. This museum has served as the headquarters of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts of Nuestra Señora de las Angustias and has two floors around a large central patio and a garden. ;n later where archaeological pieces are exhibited that show the history of Granada from its first settlers to the conquest of the city by Christian troops in the year 1492. p>



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