Torres Bermejas


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In this location next to the Bermejas Towers, on the Mauror hill, Jews and Zirids long time ago. It was during the 8th century when it was built. a primitive Zirí fortification where the towers would later have their origin. From the 11th century, the wall will represent the point of union of the towers with the old citadel of the Alhambra through the Puerta de las Granadas. With the arrival of the Christians, the towers will be reinforced and, from the 16th century, they will have an artillery bastion. The functions of the enclosure They have been used as surveillance and protection, as a military barracks and prison area, and are currently a meeting place for archaeology, since part of the >wall, Muslim tombs and coins from the time of King Charles IV have been found in its surroundings.

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Long description

The name Torres Bermejas is known for someold defensive towers of the city of Granada that, through s of a wall, they will form part of the 11th century of the primitive citadel of the Sabika hill. These three towers have had various uses since they have served as surveillance and protection, as military barracks and as a prison. Currently they conserve part of the reddish russet color that He gives them his name.



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