Nasrid Palaces


Monday to Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.



To talk about the Alhambra is to talk about its Nasrid Palaces, the residential area of ​​the sultans, under the shelter of the entire palatine complex. They highlight the contrast between the functional walls of the exterior and the ornamental richness of the interior, following the precept present in all Islamic architecture. Islamic art makes use of poor materials to decorate, in a clear reference to the temporality of human beings on Earth. Water is a fundamental element of purity that flows through its multiple fountains, such as the famous one present in the Patio de los Leones. The complex is divided into three palaces: the Mexuar Palace, where the sultan administered justice, the Comares Palace, a family office and political activity, and, finally, the Palace of the Lions, for exclusive use. for the sultan's family.



This palace is the oldest of the three. Its room was used to hold hearings or councils of the citizens of Granada. The Renaissance architect Pedro Machuca lived in its tower and the garden rooms.



Official residence of the emirs of Granada such as Yusuf I or Mohammed V, responsible for its construction in the 14th century. strong> A beautiful palace with areas such as the Golden Room or the magnificent Comares façade that separated public and administrative life from the sultan's private quarters. On the other side of the façade, we find the patio of Comares or Arrayanes with a pool surrounded by vegetation where marble is one of the decorative elements. At the other end of the patio is the Torre de Comares where, according to legend, it will have The delivery of the keys of Granada to the Catholic Monarchs by their emir Boabdil took place.



The great work of the sultan Mohammed V is one of the great successes of Nasrid art. Family life in this palace is distributed from the Patio de los Leones, where its fountain is characteristic for keeping the water in a thin sheet. Also noteworthy is the Kings Room, used for festive activities, or the Abencerrajes Rooms and Dos Hermanas for their rooms. pulas full of muqarnas.  We cannot forget the Lindaraja Courtyard as an example of a Muslim courtyard, whose columns were made with the demolition of the Machuca courtyard. To the north of this palace were the rooms of Emperor Charles V during his stay in the Alhambra in the 16th century, where the queen's dressing room, located in the old defensive tower of Abu alhambra, stands out among others. -Hayyay.


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The Nasrid Palaces make up the old palace area of ​​the Nasrid dynasty of Granada that began in the 13th century. They are made up of the Palacio del Mexuar, the Palacio de Comares and the Palacio de los Leones, with its famous homonymous patio. An architectural wonder that connects with the senses through the water of its fountains and gardens and the oriental decoration also present in the vaults and walls of all its rooms .


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