Barcelona Zoo


Spring:             10:00-19:00 hrs 

Summer:                  10:00-20:00 hrs

Autumn:                    10:00-19:00 hrs  

Winter:                10:00-17:30 hrs


The ticket offices close one hour early. 



   Along the Zoo space you can visit the different spaces: 

Land of Dragons: It has two integrated areas, in one live the Komodo dragons and in the other the Muntjac deer. 

Terrarium: where the best collection of amphibians and reptiles in all of Europe is found. here The dwarf crocodile and the python and the boa have their habitat.

Aviary: 70 species of birds, from different continents, occupy the spaces that recreate the American, Asian and African jungles. 

Farm: Created for children to come into contact with domestic and farm species such as pigs, sheep, goats, horses and the Catalan donkey.

Primate Gallery: a set of naturalized spaces where you can see species such as Martin's white-nosed monkey, the red monkey, the De Brazza monkey, Barberia, among others.

Marmoset Gallery: It houses the smallest species of primates, called the marmosets: the marmoset; golden-headed lion, the marmoset emperor, the marmoset with blonde hands...

Palmere: formed by a set of thirteen aviaries in which a large number of psittaciformes species live, such as the tritó cockatoo. n, the red-fronted macaw, the guaruba parrot and in a garden-shaped habitat, ideal for walking and contemplating these species from different points. 

Flight aviary: a large dome with an oval base where you can observe the birds that live in the swamps.

Biodiversity Garden: to promote the native fauna that lives in the city of Barcelona.








Short description

Any service or product not specified above.

Long description

    The Barcelona Zoo is located in the Citadel Park.  It has more than 7,000 specimens of 400 different species.  Among its objectives is conservation, research and education.


  • Once the ticket has been purchased, the ticket will not be refunded. the amount under any circumstances.
  • The ticket must be kept during your stay at the Zoo and shown to authorized personnel if they request it.
  • It is It is strictly forbidden to touch the animals or feed them.

Not Included

Valid for 1 day of visit.

Important information