Main Square


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In the beginning there was A larger square was built in this area of ​​the city where the market functions would be carried out, but it was not until the mid-18th century when this harmonious Churrigueresque-style space was completed. In the following centuries it was slightly modified concluding the works on the Town Hall, eliminating the garden areas and erecting the bandstand and public urinals, among others. . In this famous square, the medallions located in the spandrels of the arches with the busts of some kings and illustrious figures of Spain stand out, the café Novelty, the oldest in the city that was inaugurated in 1905 and the coats of arms in the arcades of the main arches, on the balconies and others architectural elements.

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Long description

The famous Plaza Mayor of Salamanca was built between 1729 and 1756 by the prestigious architect Alberto Churriguera in Baroque style. This open porticoed space has 88 semicircular arches, 6400 square meters and dimensions of approximately 80 by 80 meters. In 1935 it was declared National Monument and in 1973 Historical Artistic Monument and since its foundation it has become the center of social life of the Salamantines.



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