Convent of the Dueñas


Monday to Saturday from 10:30 to 12:45 and from 16:30 to 19:30.



Juana Rodríguez's donation was made of the houses where she lived and which her first husband, Contador Mayor de Castilla, had ordered to be built and which were built following the Mudejar style typical of its time - today some parts of this primitive structure are still preserved, such as a pointed horseshoe arch built of brick with alfiz and white tiles, black and green-. To this first residential center built at the beginning of the 15th century, the parts of the temple and the cloister were added a century later, elements of greater artistic interest. The church's Plateresque façade and the Gothic architecture of the ribbed and tercelet vaults stand out, and in the cloister the irregular arcades on its two floors and the iconographic program located in the capitals and spandrels of the arches.

Short description

Sundays and holidays.

Long description

The Convent of Las Dueñas in the city of Salamanca was founded at the beginning of the 15th century by Juana Rodríguez Maldonado who had as The objective was to create abeguinage for young nobles. This complex underwent modifications and additions over the centuries and today it continues to fulfill its religious function thanks to the nuns of the Dominican Order who reside in its historic rooms.



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