Salamanca Roman Bridge


Monument open 24 hours.



This infrastructure has had enormous importance for the transit of travelers and merchants throughout history. It has been documented since the 13th century the existence of thestone boar from the Veto period next to the bridgewhich is also another of the symbols of the city. Throughout the Middle Ages this bridge was key in the movement of people during the Reconquista and the payment of portage taxes. After its reconstruction in the 16th century, works were carried out Some repairs were made at different times until years later when the building was expanded. to allow the passage of carriages and automobiles. Today it is a beautiful walk that reminds us of the wonderful history of Salamanca.

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The famous Roman Bridge of Salamanca that appears on the city's shield was built in the 1st century over the Tormes River< /strong>, although due to a great flood, it had to be rebuilt in the 16th century. Currently, of the 26 semicircular arches that it has, only There are 15 of Roman origin left. This bridge was of enormous importance during the empire since it was part of the Vía de la Plata, a road that linked the cities of Mérida and Astorga. In 1931 it was declared National Monument and in 1998 Asset of Cultural Interest and currently it is one of the most visited places in the city.


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