Museum of Basque Nationalism


Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.



The permanent exhibition of the Museum runs from the time of the official founding of the movement by Sabino Arana until the present day through important pieces such as the original design of the ikurria and the banner, historical photographs, objects related to the figure of the Lehendakari, flags, handkerchiefs and documents on the Civil War and Francoism, among others. In addition, the Museum of Basque Nationalism has numerous temporary exhibitions, educational activities and workshops with the aim of enriching the knowledge of our young people and disseminating the history of the Basque People. p>

Short description

Holidays and weekends.

Long description

The Museum of Basque Nationalism of the Sabino Arana Foundation is an innovative exhibition center due to its theme since it is the unique of this theme in the entire Basque Country. This museum was born with the idea of ​​showing the history of Euskadi through works of art and historical and everyday objects, both acquired and donated, within a modern museum program in which visitors They can obtain information through interactive and audiovisual resources.



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